A Day in the Life: Keeping East Ellijay Cool with Cheshire Heating & Air

Rise and Shine: The Early Bird Gets the Cool Air

As the sun peeks over the horizon, I’m already up and at ’em. Working for Cheshire Heating & Air means being ready to tackle whatever HVAC challenges the day might bring. After a quick breakfast and a strong cup of coffee, I hop into my service van, ready to keep East Ellijay comfortable.

Morning: AC Repair Calls

My first stop is a residential call. Mrs. Johnson’s AC unit has been making strange noises, and with the Georgia heat creeping up, she’s understandably concerned. After a thorough inspection, I identify the issue: a worn-out fan belt. It’s a quick fix, and soon enough, Mrs. Johnson’s home is cool and quiet once more.

Next up, a commercial client. The local diner’s walk-in cooler isn’t maintaining the proper temperature. This requires a bit more diagnostics, but eventually, I pinpoint a refrigerant leak. I explain the situation to the owner and get to work on the repair.

Afternoon: HVAC Installation Project

After lunch, I head to a new construction site where we’re installing a state-of-the-art HVAC system. This is one of my favorite parts of the job – ensuring that a home starts its life with efficient, reliable climate control. I work alongside my team to:

  • Install ductwork
  • Set up the outdoor unit
  • Connect and test the indoor air handler
  • Program the smart thermostat

It’s satisfying work, knowing that we’re setting up this family for years of comfort.

Evening: Emergency Call and Wrap-up

Just as I’m about to call it a day, we get an emergency call. A local business’s AC has completely shut down during peak hours. I rush over and quickly diagnose a failed capacitor. Luckily, I have the part on hand, and within an hour, their system is back up and running.

As the sun sets, I head back to the Cheshire Heating & Air office to file my reports and prep for tomorrow. Another day of keeping East Ellijay cool and comfortable comes to a close, and I can’t help but feel proud of the work we do at Cheshire Heating & Air.