The Truth About HVAC Efficiency: Debunking a Common Misconception

Separating Fact from Fiction in HVAC Maintenance

At Duke’s Air Conditioning and Heating, we believe in educating our customers about their HVAC systems. Today, we’re tackling a prevalent myth that has been circulating for years:

The Myth: Closing vents in unused rooms saves energy

Many homeowners believe that closing air vents in rooms they’re not using will help reduce energy consumption and lower their utility bills. This seems logical at first glance – why heat or cool a space you’re not occupying? However, this common practice can actually have the opposite effect.

The Truth: Closing vents can increase energy usage and damage your system

Here’s why closing vents is not a good idea:

  • Increased pressure: Your HVAC system is designed to distribute air evenly throughout your home. Closing vents creates excess pressure in the ductwork, forcing your system to work harder.
  • Reduced efficiency: The added strain on your system can lead to decreased overall efficiency, potentially increasing energy consumption.
  • Potential damage: Over time, the increased pressure can cause leaks in your ductwork or even damage to the compressor.
  • Uneven temperature distribution: Closing vents can create cold or hot spots in your home, making it less comfortable overall.

The Solution: Focus on proper maintenance and smart thermostat use

Instead of closing vents, consider these energy-saving alternatives:

1. Schedule regular maintenance to keep your system running efficiently.
2. Use a programmable or smart thermostat to adjust temperatures based on your daily routines.
3. Ensure your home is properly insulated to minimize heat loss or gain.
4. Consider zoning systems for more precise temperature control in different areas of your home.

At Duke’s Air Conditioning and Heating, we’re committed to providing dependable HVAC repair and service while helping our customers make informed decisions about their home comfort systems. By understanding the facts about HVAC efficiency, you can save energy and prolong the life of your system without resorting to myths and misconceptions.