A Day in the Life: Keeping Cool with 7th Generation AC & Heating

Rise and Shine: The Morning Routine

My day as a technician at 7th Generation Air Conditioning and Heating starts early. I wake up at 6 AM, grab a quick breakfast, and check the weather forecast for Brad, Texas. It’s going to be a scorcher today, which means we’ll likely be busy keeping our customers cool and comfortable.

First Stop: Emergency Call

By 7:30 AM, I’m on the road in my company van, fully stocked with tools and parts. Our dispatcher informs me of an emergency call – a family’s AC unit has completely shut down overnight. I head straight there, knowing how crucial it is to restore comfort quickly in the Texas heat.

Midday: Scheduled Maintenance

After resolving the emergency, I move on to my scheduled appointments. Today’s list includes:

  • Annual maintenance for a long-time customer
  • Installing a new energy-efficient system for a growing family
  • Diagnosing a mysterious rattling noise in an older unit

Each job presents its own challenges, but that’s what I love about working for 7th Generation AC & Heating – no two days are ever the same!

Afternoon: Team Meeting and Training

Around 3 PM, I head back to the office for our weekly team meeting. We discuss recent jobs, share tips, and receive updates on the latest HVAC technologies. Our company prides itself on staying ahead of the curve, so continuous learning is a big part of our culture.

Evening: On-Call Duty

As the workday winds down, I prepare for my on-call shift. 7th Generation understands that AC emergencies don’t always happen during business hours, so we rotate on-call duties to ensure our customers are never left in the lurch.

Before heading home, I double-check my van’s inventory and fuel up, ready for any late-night calls that might come in. It’s been a busy day, but knowing I’ve helped keep Brad residents comfortable makes it all worthwhile.

Working at 7th Generation Air Conditioning and Heating isn’t just a job – it’s a commitment to our community’s comfort and well-being. And tomorrow? Well, that’s another day of cool adventures waiting to unfold!